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Header Text
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Worship & Ministry
Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals
Sermons preached at St Chad's (mostly!)
Who We Are
Church organisation and admin
Stewardship Campaign, June 2013
Parochial Church Council (PCC) 2013 - 4
Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2014
Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2015
Annual Parochial Church Meeting, April 2016
Parochial Church Council (PCC) 2014-5
Parochial Church Council (PCC) 2015-6
APCM 2020
Events & News
Weekly notice sheets
Parish Magazine (monthly)
Groups & Social Activities
Chatty Tuesdays
Our Building & Grounds
Community Hall
Community wildlife garden
Organ Restoration Project
Our Building
Church re-ordering
World War I commemoration
Student visit 10 March 2020
Big Brekkie 2018
The "Hive" Community Kitchen
Gifts for Winter Night Shelter
18 December 2016
Speak Up Ladybarn
Mark Hewerdine's licensing
Colin's 84th birthday
"Big Brekkie" 28 May 2016
Advent candles
Heritage Open Weekend 2015
Ladybarn in the 1900s
Community Hall
Wildlife garden in the snow
Community wildlife garden
Updating the website each week
Organ restoration project
Open Weekend, 8-9 September 2012
Worship & Ministry
Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals
Sermons preached at St Chad's (mostly!)
Who We Are
Church organisation and admin
Stewardship Campaign, June 2013
Parochial Church Council (PCC) 2013 - 4
Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2014
Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2015
Annual Parochial Church Meeting, April 2016
Parochial Church Council (PCC) 2014-5
Parochial Church Council (PCC) 2015-6
APCM 2020
Events & News
Weekly notice sheets
Parish Magazine (monthly)
Groups & Social Activities
Chatty Tuesdays
Our Building & Grounds
Community Hall
Community wildlife garden
Organ Restoration Project
Our Building
Church re-ordering
World War I commemoration
Student visit 10 March 2020
Big Brekkie 2018
The "Hive" Community Kitchen
Gifts for Winter Night Shelter
18 December 2016
Speak Up Ladybarn
Mark Hewerdine's licensing
Colin's 84th birthday
"Big Brekkie" 28 May 2016
Advent candles
Heritage Open Weekend 2015
Ladybarn in the 1900s
Community Hall
Wildlife garden in the snow
Community wildlife garden
Updating the website each week
Organ restoration project
Open Weekend, 8-9 September 2012
Header Text
Our Building & Grounds
Community Hall
Our Building & Grounds
Community Hall
Community wildlife garden
Organ Restoration Project
Our Building
Church re-ordering
World War I commemoration
Application to hire St Chad's Community Hall
Name of Hirer
Telephone number
email address
Dates for Booking. Please be aware that we normally require two weeks notice
Time of booking: from
Time of booking: to (No later than 10pm. Please ensure you allow time for setting up/clearing away)
Have you checked that the Hall is available at this time?
Purpose of booking
Any further details about your request (Optional)
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