Each person connected with St Chad's will receive a pack with a personalised letter explaining what the Stewardship Campaign is about, how St Chad's will benefit and how they can help the Church's mission in Ladybarn. Giving the packs to recipients in person is the most effective way of communicating the stewardship message to them; volunteers are needed to do this. Experience from churches across the country shows how absolutely vital such personal contact is to the success of a stewardship campaign.
The Diocesan Stewardship Advisor recommends that each volunteer delivers no more than five packs. The Stewardship Team has identified about 100 people who have some connection with St Chad's so about 20 volunteers are required. As part of the preparations for the Stewardship Campaign a portfolio of information for the visitors is being put together. At present this consists of
- A sample of the letter
- An invitation to church when it is open on weekdays
- Leaflets from the Diocesan website with information about the overall financial positions of the Church of England and the Manchester Diocese: Why Church Commissioners don't cover our costs Why is church no longer 'free'? How much does a vicar cost?
- A document in the form of a Power Point presentation about the specific circumstances of St Chad's